Shippensburg University student named Newman Civic Fellow

Shippensburg University junior, Wood Honors College student and geoenvironmental studies major, Margaret Dunkelberger has been named a 2019 Newman Civic Fellow. The fellowship is offered through Campus Compact, which recognizes community-committed students who address challenges facing their communities.

As one of only 262 fellows selected in the nation, Dunkelberger hopes to dedicate her fellowship to educating her community on the importance of sustainable resource use and environmental justice. She has been an active environmental advocate at Ship as a Steward of Penn’s Woods and assisting students, faculty and community members in a trash and graffiti cleanup in the Michaux State Forest. She is the president of the Students for Environmental Action and Sustainability and in this position planned a campus-wide Earth Day celebration. She is planning StewardSHIP week, a campaign focused on educating the campus community on the importance of being better stewards of our natural and human resources.

Newman fellows spend a year engaging with mentors and other fellows developing leadership and professional skills through events and gatherings.

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