Ship first in State System to offer Peace Corps Coverdell Fellow Program

On November 4, 2019, Shippensburg University signed a new agreement that will include the Master of Social Work in the Peace Corps Paul D. Coverdell Fellow Program. With this agreement, Ship becomes the first school in the Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education to host the elite program and joins approximately 216 institutions across the nation.

The Paul D. Coverdell Fellowship will allow returning Peace Corps volunteers to continue their service to underserved communities while pursuing graduate degrees in social work at a reduced cost. The Master of Social Work at Ship develops and enhances the skills social workers need to assist individuals, families and communities, aligning well with the mission of the Peace Corps. The Fellows will help globalize the scope of classroom discussions and research areas, bringing with them years of relevant, hands-on intercultural fieldwork and a wealth of curiosity, innovation, and grit. It will strengthen our commitment to internationalization and community service which will boost efforts to recruit students with interest in those areas and will encourage programs to enhance efforts for global education.

The Coverdell program complements Ship’s valued and growing relationship with the Peace Corps. In fall 2018, Ship announced and launched its Peace Corps Prep program.

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