Zoom security best practices

With the recent rise in use of web conferencing platforms, there have been concerns expressed worldwide about platform security. Configuration of all web conferencing platforms balances security with ease of use. The easier to use, the less secure and vice-versa. Use the following steps to help ensure security of the Zoom platform.

Steps to Secure Zoom

The following recommendations can help keep Zoom sessions secure from unwanted guests and content.

  1. Do not post Zoom links on public websites. Instead, send the links via email to intended participants. If the participant list is not known in advance, have participants email a contact person for the link or create a webform to collect participant contact information and then share the link via email.
  2. Require a meeting password. Effective April 15, passwords will be enabled by default and not included in newly scheduled Zoom meeting URLs. This will require the meeting participant to enter the password to get into the meeting.
  3. Limit screen-sharing to the host and co-hosts. Effective May 13, this will be the default, but may be changed on a per user account or per meeting basis.
  4. Other Zoom security best practices (waiting rooms, disable join before host, remove a participant, limit chat functionality) are available on the Best Practices for Securing Zoom Meetings website.

If you have any questions about Zoom or need additional assistance, please contact the Technology Help Desk at helpdesk@ship.edu.

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