COVID-19 message regarding student behavior

Dear Students,

I hope this message finds you well and keeping safe during the COVID-19 pandemic.

All summer, we have been working hard to prepare a campus that is ready for you in the fall. The procedures we are putting into place are designed to prioritize your well-being and that of the entire Shippensburg University and local Shippensburg community. It will take all of us- faculty, staff, and students- working together responsibly to achieve our mutual goal; an in-person fall semester at Shippensburg University.

If we are to have an in-person experience at Ship in the fall, you must demonstrate now that you are following all local, state, federal, and university policies and procedures. Governor Wolf has enacted updated restrictions for all Pennsylvanians, effective July 16, 2020 including:

  • A mask must be worn outside of your home.
  • Indoor gatherings are limited to 25 people.
  • Outside gatherings are limited to 250 people.
  • AND in all situations, wherever possible, maintain a distance of 6 or more feet between yourself and others.

The practicality of these new restrictions means that, in most spaces, outside gatherings with proper social distancing (and mask wearing) are simply not possible for more than a few people. We are finishing our policies and procedures for how we will go about life and learning on campus, which must include accountability and enforcement.  If you host events outside of the Governor’s order, there may be disciplinary consequences- these can include individual student sanctions as well as student organization sanctions including possible suspension from the university. There is no room for error here. People’s lives depend on your adherence to these rules. They aren’t just nameless, faceless people – they are our people, our Ship community.

We believe our students are conscientious enough and mature enough to adhere to the public health expectations of Shippensburg University and the state of Pennsylvania. If we didn’t, we would not be reopening. We need everyone’s help to have a successful fall. Hold your friends and peers accountable. You can report problematic behavior by using our online report system ( These reports are received in real time. You can also call the Dean of Students Office at 717- 477-1164.

We share the same goal; an in-person experience at Shippensburg University this fall. Failure to abide by the Governor’s order could make that goal out of reach for all of us. Please make smart choices in the coming weeks.

Thank you,

Barry McClanahan

Interim VP for Enrollment Management & Student Affairs

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