Commencement details announced, volunteers needed

Shippensburg University will celebrate spring commencement with three ceremonies on May 15. All events will adhere to protocols to protect the health and wellbeing of our campus and community and state, federal and PASSHE guidelines.

Students were given the following ceremony options:

  • In-person ceremony (two guest limit) – 10:00 a.m. at Seth Grove Stadium
  • Drive in ceremony for graduate students and College of Arts and Sciences – 1:00 p.m. at ShipRec Parking Lot
  • Drive in ceremony for the College of Business and Education and Human Services – 4:00 p.m. ShipRec Parking lot.


1.       Starting April 12, you can purchase your caps and gowns, as well as pick up your tickets for your ceremony through the SU Bookstore, located on the bottom floor of the CUB.

2.       You must pick up your tickets by May 7, 2021.  Tickets are not replaceable; do not misplace your tickets.  Each person arriving for the in person ceremony or each car for the drive in ceremony will need to have a ticket to enter.  2 tickets are given for the in person commencement and 1 ticket is given for the drive in ceremony.  Please pay attention to your scheduled ceremony time.

Needed Volunteers!

Volunteers are needed for the three ceremonies.  Detailed instructions will be forthcoming.

Please sign up at by April 28 to assist.

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