Message from SU COVID Office: Testing center update

Thank you Ship Community for a great semester. We are grateful for everyone’s cooperation and continued practices of COVID-19 mitigation practices. We would like to announce that testing is now available for our staff and faculty with the re-opening of our R3 COVID-19 testing site and with it, a few updates.


1.      The R3 Testing center has welcomed AMI, in partnership with PADOH, to complete tests for students, staff and faculty of our Shippensburg University community.

2.      As a reminder, all you have to do to schedule an appointment is visit  or scan the attached  QR code.  The R3 Testing center is located in the “Airport Lounge” Room 125, Ceddia Union Building (“CUB”).

3.      R3 hours of operation are Monday-Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

4.      The testing is a supplement to our current mitigation protocols including masking and social distancing which remain in effect. If you have questions about the R3 Testing Center, please contact or call x7333.

5.      The test provided will be a PCR nasal test and results will be provided to the patient within 24-48 hours from date and time of collection.

SYMPTOMATIC TESTING– Should a student be experiencing symptoms, please direct them to call x1458 to set up an appointment with Etter Health Center. Should a faculty/staff member be experiencing symptoms, please stay away from campus, consult your health provider and review with your supervisor and Human Resources as necessary.


Please review our updated website and improved dashboard for more information. This website is currently updated on a weekly basis.

If you have other COVID-19 related questions, please contact the COVID Office at or by calling 717-477-1007.

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