Minds@Work preview is now available

The 2021 Minds@Work Celebration of Student Research, Scholarship and Creativity is now open for preview!

The full event goes live Monday, May 3, and runs through Friday, May 7. But many of our students are already putting together their exhibitor sites, and you can go online early to get a sneak peek of what’s ahead.

FIRST: register to Join the Event as an Attendee at http://bit.ly/MatW2021. Attendee registration is required, but it is FAST, EASY, FREE, and CYBER SAFE (you will be prompted to provide a # for dual factor authentication.) A confirmation email will arrive promptly in your inbox.

THEN: after you’ve registered, enter the virtual M@W2021 expo at http://bit.ly/MatWorkevent2021.

  • The “All Sessions” tab displays a complete list of department panel discussions and the date/time when they are scheduled to take place. “Add” sessions you’re interested in so they appear in the “My Schedule” tab. At the appointed time, a “Join Virtual Event” button will appear next to the session title; click it and you’ll join via Zoom directly from the M@W site.
  • The “Student Presenters” tab displays the full list of our fantastic student exhibitors. This is the virtual equivalent of our in-person Poster Expo. Each student has been given a virtual exhibitor site. (Check back often as many of the exhibitors are putting finishing touches on their presentations.) The exhibitors are strongly encouraged to schedule a time for live Q&A. If you see a date and time posted announcing when they will be live, use the “Join Virtual Event” next to the session title; click it and you’ll join via Zoom directly from the M@W site

You can come back as often as you like to see our student exhibitors or join multiple panel discussions.

We look forward to seeing you there!

– the SU Council on Student Research and Creative Activities (CoSRaCA)