Summer Building Temperature Management

The following parameters will be used to control energy costs for summer time operations

May 14 to August 23

  • Classes may be scheduled in other buildings on an exception basis as coordinated in advance with the Registrar’s office and with the Deans’ offices, as applicable. These offices will coordinate with the Facilities Department ( from an energy conservation standpoint before approving exceptions.
  • All spaces reserved for Orientation will be accommodated for temperature control.
  • The EMS room scheduling program will be used to schedule occupancy for all rooms included in EMS.
  • Room temperature settings for public computer labs under Information Technology control will be coordinated through that office.
  • CUB, Gilbert, Heiges, Horton, Lehman, Old Main, PAC, Reisner, ROC, SHIP Rec, and the Bartos Child and Family Center will be occupied for business as normal. The Luhrs Performing Arts Center will be maintained at normal occupied temperatures for scheduled events. Wright Hall cooling is not controlled by the automated temperature control system and will remain occupied. Occupied temperatures should be adjusted to maintain room temperatures at the University standard of 80°F and window units should be turned off when the area is unoccupied for periods of longer than two hours.
  • Dauphin, Shippen, Franklin Science, MCT, Grove, Henderson, Huber, Memorial, Rowland, Shearer, and Kriner will be set to unoccupied temperatures except for scheduling per the process above.
  • All occupied areas in buildings will be maintained at an established scheduled operating temperature of 78 degrees. All unoccupied areas in buildings will be maintained at a temperature of 85 degrees unless scheduled otherwise as noted.

Faculty and staff who require their offices to be cooled while working in buildings are requested to provide a room by room, hour by hour schedule through their Academic Department to Rob Tritt ( via e-mail. Scheduling of office hours in consolidated blocks is highly encouraged for energy conservation. Any departures from the schedule should also be communicated to Rob via e-mail. All rooms not included in the schedule will be treated as unoccupied.

  • Buildings and rooms with air conditioners under local control are to adjust the thermostats accordingly to maintain the room at 78 degrees and turn them off at the end of each day.
  • Personal fans will be allowed provided they meet all safety standards (UL rating, safety shields properly in place, proper electrical cords and a molded plug). They cannot be connected to an electrical outlet using an extension cord. During the air conditioning season, opening of building windows in air conditioned spaces compromises the energy systems and increases energy usage; do not open windows in those buildings that have central air conditioning. Portable air conditioners and/or window units not installed by the Facilities Department will not be allowed and these units may be confiscated.
  • Exceptions to these goals may occur for special needs. Some AC systems may require operating at lower temperatures that those stated above in order to control humidity levels, control heat levels in heat sensitive equipment, for special laboratory needs, etc. Exceptions shall be requested through the Facilities Department (

Thank you for your cooperation in this cost saving and sustainability friendly effort.