Message from SUPD: Move-In traffic and parking

Faculty, Staff & Students,

New Student Move-In will take place tomorrow Thursday, August 19 from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.  To ensure adequate parking for these new incoming students and their families, the following lots will be used to assist with this process:  F/S-15 (rear of Reisner), F/S-7 (read of Huber), R-1 (rear of Kriner), F/S/C-4 (Robb Sports Complex), C-3 (Robb Sports Complex), R-2 (Robb Sports Complex), R-3 (Naugle Hall), R-4 (McCune Hall), R-6 (Mowery), F/S-5 (Reed Operations Center) and S-6 (York Drive).  Please make plans to find alternate parking for this day in order to keep these lots open and available during move-in.  If you happen to have a vehicle parked within any of the lots listed above, please have the vehicle moved by 7:00 a.m. tomorrow morning.

In addition, the following roadways will be one-way only:

York Drive between Lancaster Drive and Dauphin Drive

Lancaster Drive between York Drive and Dauphin Drive

Still want to help our new students, but didn’t sign up yet? – NO PROBLEM!  If you are interested in helping with all move-in please go to the volunteer check-in tent tomorrow, located outside the CUB on Cumberland Drive.  We will have spots available and a free t-shirt for helping!

Thank you for your assistance in welcoming our new students!


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