Raider Neighbor Safety Bulletin

Sent on behalf of the Raider Neighbor program at Shippensburg University.

Safety is our number one priority for all Shippensburg University students living on and off campus. Please be aware that recently, on two separate occasions, individuals walking off campus late at night reported being assaulted. On each occurrence, the motive was robbery.

It is important to note that most criminals are opportunists. They take advantage of certain opportunities they encounter to commit crimes. Therefore, the key to crime prevention is to remove as many of these opportunities as possible from our daily routine. Everyone should strive to develop crime prevention awareness habits and incorporate them into their daily activities.

Safety Tips:
  • Be aware of your surroundings, walk in well-lit areas, and do not take shortcuts through dimly lit areas.
  • Walk in groups of two or more, when possible, to reduce vulnerability.
  • When walking to your car or residence, always know where your keys are and have them ready.
  • Do not display cash, expensive jewelry, or other valuables. If carrying a purse, keep it tucked closely under your arm.
  • Report all suspicious persons, vehicles, and activities to:
    • Pennsylvania State Police (PSP) at 717-249-2121;
    • University Police at 717-477-1444;
    • Dial 911 for life-threatening emergencies.
  • Have the above important numbers programmed into your phone.
  • Download the ShipShield app for emergency calling to SUPD, a safety timer to keep you connected with your chosen contacts, and a map of the blue light emergency call station locations on campus.

The Shippensburg University Police Department is working with the Pennsylvania State Police as the lead investigating agency for these recent occurrences. Please call the SUPD or PSP if you have information regarding these incidents.

Shippensburg University is proud of its record regarding safety and security. By working together and being good Raider Neighbors, we can help each other to foster crime prevention awareness habits. By applying some of these commonsense guidelines, our campus and community will reduce opportunities for criminals and increase safety and security for all.

On behalf of the Raider Neighbor program, please reach out to the Dean of Students’ office for questions, assistance, information, and support at 717-477-1164 or The office is in Old Main, room 210. As always, call the SUPD, PSP and 911 for immediate notification of a crime or emergency.




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