A message from the SU COVID Office: Dec. 15 vaccination clinic

Dear Faculty and Staff members,

We want to thank you all for your cooperation and assistance this past semester, but also provide a few helpful reminders:


Vaccination and booster shots are available on Wednesday, December 15th, from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. in Old Main 203C. To sign up for your shot, please set up an appointment time at:



To get a better picture of our community’s vaccination rate, we are asking that fully vaccinated faculty and staff swing by the Human Resources Office and show their proof of vaccination. This is not a mandatory requirement currently. Knowing our actual vaccination rate will allow us to better plan for COVID-19 mitigation and other initiatives for the Spring. Please stop by the Office of Human Resources (Old Main 109) between 8:30 am and 4:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. (HR will accept the vaccination card, or a photo of the card for verification.)

The HR staff asks that you bring your vaccination card and your SU ID. The department’s professional staff will record your vaccination details while maintaining and respecting your privacy throughout the entire process. Human Resources will only submit numerical data percentages to the COVID Office for planning and informational purposes. If you wish to send your vaccination card in via e-mail, please scan and send a photo of your vaccination card to hr@ship.edu. Should you have any questions, please contact Laurie Porter or Nipa Browder at 717-477-1124 or via e-mail at hr@ship.edu.

The COVID Team