Shippensburg University Celebrates Career Week

Career Week is a semesterly celebration and frenzy of events to encourage career readiness amongst our students and welcome community partners to campus to see the amazing talent we have to offer.  

This past spring, Career Week kicked off the Thursday prior to the Job and Internship Fair with the Sailing into Success Fashion Show, Sponsored by Enterprise Mobility. The Fashion Show was spearheaded by SU’s “First Mom,” Mrs. Colleen Patterson. From wardrobe design and choreography to the music, Mrs. Patterson ensures that the show was a success! The show aimed to educate students on the distinct types of professional dress and to make them aware of a free campus resource formally known as the Raider Ready Professional Dress Closet (RRPDC). The RRPDC is in the Career Center (CUB 108) and is available during our express hours or by appointment for students to come in and get items for FREE! The RRPDC is completely donation-driven and supported by members of the Ship community, local donors, and beyond. 

Following the Fashion Show, the Career Center hosts many events to prepare our students for the Job and Internship Fair so that they may put their best foot forward. The events this past spring included the RRPDC Open House, known as Resumania (15-minute rapid resume reviews all day), and Out for Work (co-hosted with our friends at the PAGE Center about how to find a DEI-friendly workplace. Apart from the events that we offer, the Career Center has a wide variety of online resources that are available 24/7 for students to support them with tasks such as preparing for an interview, creating their resume, or discovering a new career path. 

To top off our successful Career Week, we headed over to the Heiges Field House and hosted the Job and Internship Fair with over 130 employers hosting informational panels and over 600 students in attendance. This is a great experience for all students to practice their elevator pitch, inquire about their next internship, or add professionals to their network to aid them in their post-grad job search. We, of course, give a very special thank-you to our Career Center Sponsors, Clark Associates, Enterprise Mobility, and Northwestern Mutual, for making this event possible! 

If you are an employer interested in attending the Fall 2024 Job and Internship Fair or becoming more involved with the Career Center and SU Students, please reach out to the career center team at for more information. 

We can’t wait to see you in October 2024 for the next Career Week!