Resources and reading lists for Black History Month

Black History Month is an annual celebration of achievements of Black Americans and a time for recognizing the central role of Black Americans in U.S. history. Shippensburg University will celebrate as one campus, many cultures all year, with special stories and events in February.

To kick-off the month, consider exploring content from the Ezra Lehman Library meant to, “provide the Shippensburg University community and the general public with a guide to suggested books and other resources relating to the many aspects and dimensions of anti-racism work.”

The extensive collection, Guide to Anti-Racist Books and Resources, focuses on published books, videos, essays, and tutorial sources.

Not sure where to start? Check out the book list, Essential Reads, covering classic works, biographies, and personal memoirs in addition to tackling topics around the history of race and racism, indigenous peoples, white privilege, and more.

The anti-racist guide project is a collaboration between library faculty, administration and staff, and members of Moving Circles and Not in Our Town, anti-racism groups based in Carlisle, PA.

Contributors to the Guide to Anti-Racist Books and Resources include:
Dr. Kirk Moll, Associate Professor and Research Services Librarian, Shippensburg University
Eyoel Delessa, Adjunct Reference and Instruction Librarian, Shippensburg University
Melanie Reed, Adjunct Reference Librarian, Shippensburg University

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