A message from the SU COVID Office: February 4 update

Welcome to Spring 2021. While we continue to deal with the COVID-19 pandemic, we would like to provide a few help tidbits of information.

For information on positive cases reported in our Shippensburg University community and to check out our updated Dashboard, please go to: https://raiderrespect.shipnews.org/ . This new dashboard offers some additional information about our population and how these cases affect our population that are in isolation and quarantine.

While we start face to face classes on the 22nd, there are some students who are currently residing on campus or have needs that require them to be on campus. In order for these students to access our facilities and resources during these two weeks, they will be required to test at the Etter Health Center. Upon testing, they will receive a color-coded card (Resident & Off Campus) to certify that they have tested. This card should be presented upon entry to the Library, Dining Services, Residence Halls and the ShipRec recreation center.

You can find more information regarding our Raider Rapid Results (R3) initiative and the Testing Center located in the CUB Union Building. Testing will be for students, faculty and staff. Faculty and staff are eligible for this saliva molecular test (less invasive than the swab tests). This initiative will help us mitigate the risks that COVID-19 presents and allow our campus opportunities to offer more to students, faculty, and staff.

Student testing Information: Student R3 Testing Protocol – Raider Respect (shipnews.org)

Faculty and Staff testing information: Faculty and Staff R3 Testing Protocol – Raider Respect (shipnews.org)

Finally, as we prepare for the coming semester, should you need PPE (sanitizer, mask, or other materials), please contact the COVID-19 Office at covid19@ship.edu.

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