Claire Jantz presented award by South Mountain Partnership

On January 29, Claire Jantz, geography/earth science and CLUS, was presented the Spirit of South Mountain Award at the 10th annual Power of the Partnership Year-End Celebration. Each year, the South Mountain Partnership recognizes an individual, project, or organization that has made significant contributions to advancing a positive and sustainable future for the South Mountain landscape. This award was presented to Dr. Jantz for her work as a convener- “champion” of bringing together community groups and the next generation- to protect and enhance the region’s agricultural, historical, natural, and recreational resources.

Her commendable professional work is enhanced by her incredible public service record, demonstrating a deep personal commitment to the region and all that makes it a great place to live, work, and play. In her personal and professional life, Claire lives and breathes the spirit of South Mountain, working passionately to conserve and promote landscape resources to enrich the quality of life and sense of place for our citizens and communities. View her response or the full award ceremony and Dr. Jantz’s response.