A message from HR: Employee recognition program

Good afternoon,

The Shippensburg University Employee Recognition Program is one way Department Chairs, Managers, Supervisors, and co-workers can formally recognize employees by submitting nominations for exceptional performance.  Recognition and rewards play an important role in making Shippensburg University a great place to work.

The award criteria will again include five categories.  Service or actions nominated must fall into at least one of the areas listed below:

·         Innovative Idea

·         Team Effort

·         Problem Solving

·         Customer Service

·         Community/Volunteer Service

The deadline for submitting nomination forms for the Employee Recognition Awards is December 1, 2021

Nominations may be submitted via email (preferable) to nbrowder@ship.edu or send hard copy to Nipa Browder in the Human Resources Department by December 1, 2021 to meet the deadline for the presentation at the Employee Recognition ceremony which will be held in January 2022.  A nomination form is attached for your convenience.

I encourage each of you to participate in this program by nominating staff, fellow workers or a team of employees who are deserving of recognition for their efforts under the established guidelines.  Please take this opportunity to formally recognize the contributions and successes of the people around you.  Additional copies of the policy and nomination form are available at https://www.ship.edu/globalassets/hr/emp_recognition.pdf.

Written By