Shippensburg University Celebrates Week of Human Understanding

Shippensburg University celebrates its annual Week of Human Understanding with a series of activities focused around the theme of “deep civility.”

On Monday, September 30 at 7:00 p.m. at McFeeley’s in the CUB is a Deep Civility Poetry Slam where students will share their poems that focus on the theme of civic responsibility.

On Tuesday, October 1, the campus community is invited to enjoy favorite student meals in Reisner Dining Hall from 5:30-7:30 p.m. The meals are selected by and represent the winners of a student essay contest that tasked students with writing about a meal, dish or celebration that held special meaning to them and shaped relationships in their family and community.

On Wednesday, October 2, Eli Saslow, winner of the Pulitzer Prize and author of “Rising out of Hatred: The Awakening of a Former White Nationalist,” addresses the campus community in the Luhrs Center at 7:00 p.m.  Saslow is a journalist whose goal is to help people think more carefully and critically about how to talk about difference, diversity and race. There will be a book signing in the Orrstown Lobby immediately after the discussion.

On Thursday, October 3, a Debriefing Conversation will be held at 3:30 p.m. in CUB 125 to continue and deepen the conversations regarding Eli Saslow’s presentation and the issues of race, racism, and how we can use food, discussion, and open minds to engage with difference.

For additional information on the Week of Human Understanding schedule, contact the Office of Equity, Inclusion and Compliance at (717) 477-1161.

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