Trever Famulare highlights SUMB on PA high school band panel

The passion and excitement of the Shippensburg University Marching Band (SUMB) made its way in front of 500 high school band directors last week when Trever Famulare, SUMB director, proudly represented Ship on a panel discussion.

The panel discussion covered topics such as institutional classifications, rehearsals, audition processes, band camp, pre-game preparations, traveling, and recruiting. Five different band programs led the panel, and Famulare represented a large university without a music major.

Famulare took full advantage of his chance to show off SUMB. “This was a great opportunity to share information as it relates to the band experience of other institutions,” he said.

Although Shippensburg does not have a music major, SUMB students achieve an incredible collegiate band experience. Famulare said, “My teaching philosophy as a band director is founded on providing a high-quality music education through the opportunities we are able to provide.”

Since none of the SUMB students can pursue a music major, they participate purely for the love of performing. This passion forms a strong camaraderie between SUMB students.

Famulare views SUMB as a unique opportunity for high school students hoping to continue their music education in college. “The climate we create allows students to succeed in many ways outside of their academic major and become part of an organization that provides a supportive, family atmosphere.” He continued, “Students can choose to take a more active role in the organization and leadership in the band.”

An average of 160 students participate every year, and “many create a friendship and a family bond that will last way beyond their years at Ship,” Famulare said.

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Maci is the graduate assistant for the office of communications and marketing at Shippensburg University. She graduated from Messiah University with a bachelor's degree in Public Relations, and now pursues a Master of Organizational Development and Leadership with a concentration in higher education structure and policy. Maci enjoys writing magazine and web content, and also possesses experience in collegiate athletic administration and career and professional development.