Do you have a plan to vote on Election Day, Tuesday, November 3, 2020? Ship Votes, Shippensburg University’s non-partisan voter registration group, can help!
Ship Votes faculty leader, Mark Spicka, is urging his fellow Ship family to exercise their community responsibility this year. “I think it is important for students, faculty and staff to vote because everyone needs to make their voice heard if we are to have a strong and vibrant democracy.”
This year’s General Election is projected to have some of the highest numbers of voter turn out in history. According to the United States Elections Project, “almost 60 million people have already voted as of Sunday, October 25. That is more than the 47.2 million 2016 general election pre-election votes…It is more than the 58 million in-person and mail ballots cast in 2016″.
To be sure all members of campus can take part in this historic moment, Ship Votes has coordinated transportation to the polls on Election Day.
On Tuesday, November 3, buses will run between the entrance of the CUB on Lancaster Drive (across from the Luhrs Performing Arts Center) to the Vigilant Hose Company, 20 Walnut Bottom Road, the official polling place for anyone registered in Shippensburg Township (including all on-campus housing). From 7:32 AM through 4:42 PM, CAT blue and red buses will complete this route twice per hour. From 3:00 PM until 7:30 PM, Wolf Bus Lines will run twice per hour. View the full schedule below.
Ship Votes has worked closely with students, faculty, and staff all year to organize voter education and registration events, using a $10,000 grant from the Students Learn Students Vote coalition.
Last year, with the efforts of Ship Votes, over 600 students registered to vote for the first time, changed their registration, or voted absentee. This year, in partnership with the Student-Athlete Advisory Committee (SAAC), a total of 462 student-athletes are registered to vote in the 2020 election. That total marks 87 percent of the SU student-athlete population alone.
These efforts and many others led to Shippensburg University’s designation as a “Voter Friendly Campus”, by the Campus Vote Project and NASPA-Student Affairs Administrators in Higher Education, through December 2020.
Frequently asked questions about voting are answered by Ship Votes here. Additional questions about Ship Votes may be directed to Mark Spicka at
Don’t forget to share your voice and tag #ShipVotes with your voting sticker selfies and videos on Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter!