Ship to celebrate 17 Days of Kindness

Shippensburg University will celebrate 17 Days of Kindness beginning Wednesday April, 28. The campaign celebrates the presidency of Laurie A. Carter, who ushered in her time as 17th president of Shippensburg University with a similar Kindness Campaign, leading up to her inauguration. Carter departs from the university this summer to become the president of Lawrence University in Wisconsin.

On April 28, students, faculty, staff and alumni can commit to the the campaign by signing the Kindness Pledge in the CUB from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.

A campus kindness event is planned for all 17 days, but the campus community is also encouraged to commit their own acts of Kindness and share them on social media using #ShipSpreadsKindness.

Check out all of the opportunities to spread kindness over the next 17 days.