A message from Human Resources: SECA campaign

Dear Campus Community Members:

It’s time again to participate in the annual State Employee Combined Appeal (SECA) campaign.  This year, the State Employee Combined Appeal asks employees to support the causes most important to them with our theme of “Get in the Game.”

The campaign will run from September 1 through October 22, 2021. Through this campaign, employees can donate to his/her favorite charities.  There are approximately 1,000 charities to choose from.

The SECA Resources Guide(PDF) lists all the participating charities and their codes.

You have a variety of options in making your contribution:

  • SECA Online Enrollment—Through Employee Self Service Portal (ESS System), employees can make a single donation or bi-weekly deductions.  Deductions will begin on the first pay date of January 2021 including the one-time deductions.  Directions to enroll in ESS can be found by clicking here.
  • Personal Check or Money Order—Through Pledge Form, the amount given will serve as a one-time donation.  SECA cannot accept cash or credit card.  The pledge form should be returned to Office of Human Resources , OM 109 by Friday, October 22, 2021.

Remember, no matter how much you give, will help to provide necessary health and welfare services or offer valuable funding to protect our natural resources.   Even $1 per pay can make a big impact on the life of someone in need.

Please direct any questions regarding SECA Campaign to Nipa Browder, Shippensburg University SECA Campaign Coordinator.

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