A Message from SU COVID Office: Testing and protocol reminder

Hello Campus Community,

Continued adherence to masking and vaccination adoption remain our best mitigation practices for minimizing exposure and spread of COVID-19. If you have not submitted proof of vaccination, please do so online.


  1. Asymptomatic Testing is available to students, faculty, and staff at the Raider Respect Results (R3) Center in the Ceddia Union Building (CUB) Room 121, Monday through Friday, 8:00am – 4:00pm. The PCR type test takes 24-48 hours to process. Testing is done by AMI in partnership with the Pennsylvania Department of Health (PADOH). Sign up at:  calendly.com/shipr3testing/covid-19-testing-1
  2.  Walk-ins are welcome or schedule an appointment at:  calendly.com/shipr3testing/covid-19-testing-1
  3. R3 testing is a supplement to our current mitigation protocols including masking, which remains in effect. If you have questions about the R3 Testing Center, please contact rapidtest@ship.edu or call x7333.


Student experiencing COVID-19 symptoms, please call x1458 to set up an appointment with Etter Health Center. Faculty or staff experiencing symptoms, please stay away from campus, consult your health provider and review with your supervisor and Human Resources as necessary.


Review our updated website and dashboard for more information.  The dashboard’s cumulative numbers are updated twice a week (Mondays and Thursdays). Our weekly statistics will continue to be updated every Monday.


For students in isolation or quarantine due to a positive test or being identified as a Close Contact, here are some helpful reminders:

  1. Virtual services available: Writing tutoring, course-based tutoring, and Learning Specialist services are available. Students can make virtual appointments for tutoring or with learning specialist using SSC navigate or schedule an appointment on the Learning Center website.
  2. Student Success Tips: See the helpful document attached to help students navigate isolation/quarantine and their academics, as well as identifying offices around campus who are here to help!
  3. Faculty Assistance: Faculty will work with students in isolation or quarantine. Each class brings different approaches as the class material, the class management and the class instructor are quite different across the campus. As such, each professor works to identify and establish ways for students to catch up on schoolwork, so they do not fall behind because of COVID-19. Faculty have experience working with students who have missed 1-2 weeks of class before COVID (car accidents, hospitalization, military deployment, etc.) and will continue to provide support for students. Faculty will continue to work with the students based on the course content and the student’s situation.
  4. Concerns: Students with concerns about their coursework while in isolation/quarantine are encouraged to reach out to their faculty. Other options for feedback include Department Heads, Deans, The Provost’s Office and the COVID Office. It is important that if a student is concerned, anxious and/or struggling that they reach out for assistance.
  5. Other Resources to help you through Isolation/Quarantine:  • SUPD: 717-477-1444 • Etter Health Center: 717-477-1458 • University Counseling Center: 717-477- 1481 • SU Women’s Center: 717-477-1790 • Office of Student Retention: 717-477-1292 • Learning Center: 717-477-1420

If you have other COVID-19 related questions, please contact the COVID Office at covid19@ship.edu or by calling x1007.

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