GBLUES Earth Day Plant Sale

Please consider supporting the Grace B Luhrs Elementary Annual Plant Sale!

2 Ways to Participate!!

Preorder via the attached order form or Visit the Greenhouse on Garden Day! Order forms and payments are due to the GBLUES Office, Attention Melinda Bender by April 1st.

***Checks payable to GBLUES PTO***

Pick up orders on EARTH DAY, Friday April 22nd from 2-6pm at Grace B Luhrs Elementary parking lot.

Don’t see something you like?  Bring the “Garden Day” flyer, attached, to Hilltop Greenhouse on April 22nd and 23rd for a portion of your purchase to be donated to GBLUES.  CASH or CHECK ONLY! The flyer MUST be presented to the greenhouse at the time of purchase to receive school donation.