A message from the Academic Affairs & Administration & Finance: Plan for remainder of fall

Sent on behalf of Tom Ormond, Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs and Dr. Scott Barton, Senior Vice President of Administration and Finance

Dear Campus Community:

Through your diligence and commitment, we approach the end of our Fall 2020 semester on campus as planned. At the same time, positivity rates in our county and state are rising. And, we are beginning to see that trend in our campus community. As we have learned in the last eight months, COVID-19 is unpredictable, so we have planned for this possibility. Our priority for leaving campus is the same as it was for the return to campus in August: the health and well-being of the entire campus community, students and employees and all of their families and friends.

In response to the rising infection rate coupled with the dispersing of the campus community  to gather with families in the coming weeks, we will begin our plan to close out fall on campus taking extra precautions to mitigate the risk of the spread of COVID-19 to include more virtual classes and activities.


  • Beginning, Monday, November 16, faculty may choose to move classes online for the week before students disperse into their respective home communities. In the event classes are moved online, students will be immediately notified.
  • For courses not designed for virtual instruction, check frequently in D2L or email for updates from professors about modifications. 
  • Mother Nature has been generous and we have been able to take campus activities outside minimizing prolonged indoor contact. For the rest of the semester, campus activities will be adapted to outdoors where possible and online when outdoor options are not possible.
  • Remember that the academic semester does not end until December 4. When you leave campus for home on November 20, enjoy your break and study days, and emerge from the Thanksgiving Holiday weekend refreshed for finals week.
  • Continue to follow the guidelines of the Raider Respect pledge in helping to mitigate the spread of COVID-19.
  • Continue to check your symptoms with our Campus Shield daily tracker, and seek medical guidance and testing if you exhibit any symptoms.
  • Reach out to academic advisors if necessary to discuss registering for classes and/or graduation requirements.
  • Before returning home with family and friends, please make a testing appointment at Etter Health Center by calling 477-1458. Remember, results will take up to 72 hours so you will want to maintain safe practices while waiting for results and plan to take the test at least 72 hours in advance of returning home.


  • Beginning, Monday, November 16, faculty may choose to move classes online for the week before students disperse into their respective home communities.
  • Faculty wishing to teach other than virtually are asked to notify Ms. Dynel Miracle (DLMiracle@ship.edu) in the Office of Academic Affairs.
  • If adjustments are made to instructional modalities, faculty should immediately reach out to students to inform them of these changes.


  • Consulting with division Vice Presidents, where possible,  units will begin to phase in their winter remote work plans on November 16.

The Ship community has done amazing work to get us this far. We will cross the finish line in a way that is best for the entire community. We have much to celebrate and our homecoming events will go on this weekend outdoors and virtually. Student success remains paramount while prioritizing the health and well-being of all. Students, stay connected to the resources that will help you cross the finish line: faculty, student success staff, and classmates.

You have triumphantly navigated the obstacles brought on by this pandemic. Together we will support each other carrying on with patience and determination. Please continue to wear your masks, practice social distancing, wash hands frequently, check your symptoms, and get tested to help protect the entire community and your families.

Best wishes for a healthy and happy holiday season,

Tom Ormond, Provost & Vice President for Academic Affairs

Scott Barton, Senior Vice President for Administration & Finance