A message from COVID Office: March 5 update

Welcome to March! Thank you Ship Community for a great start to our semester and our new R3 testing initiative. We look forward to a productive semester filled with additional opportunities.


1.      Over the past two weeks, the R3 Testing center has performed over 3500 tests of students, staff and faculty of our Shippensburg University community.

2.      As a reminder, all you have to do to schedule an appointment is www.shippensburgportal.pointnclick.com or by scanning the attached  QR code.  The R3 Testing center is located in the “Airport Lounge” Room 125, Ceddia Union Building (“CUB”).

3.      The R3 Testing center has expanded the number of tests that can be taken each hour to accommodate the exhibited demand.

4.      R3 has also modified their hours to Monday-Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. and then Saturday 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.

5.      This testing initiative is a supplement to our current mitigation protocols including masking and social distancing which remain in effect. If you have questions about the R3 Testing Center, please contact rapidtest@ship.edu or call x7333.

SYMPTOMATIC TESTING– Should a student be experiencing symptoms, please call x1458 to set up an appointment with Etter Helath Center. Should a faculty/staff member be experiencing symptoms, please stay away from campus, consult your health provider and review with your supervisor and Human Resources as necessary.


Please review our updated website and improved dashboard for more information. https://raiderrespect.shipnews.org/ This website is currently updated on a weekly basis.


Shippensburg University has announced allowances for spectators and guidelines for on-campus athletic events in the spring 2021 semester. All decisions regarding spectators are based on the health and well-being of the student-athletes and coaches and preserving the opportunity to play.

1)      Spectator Expectations: At this time, no visiting fans or general spectators are permitted at Shippensburg University athletic events. The university is currently finalizing a policy that will accommodate a limited number of SU family members and students at SU athletic events. Individuals exhibiting any symptoms of illness are asked to avoid campus.

2)      Spectator Guidelines: The following guidelines are to be adhered to at all times while on the Shippensburg University campus. Failure to comply may be asked to leave an SU athletic venue.

·         Fans must wear a mask that covers their nose and mouth at all times.

·         Fans are not permitted to interact with student-athletes, coaches, team personnel, officials, administrators or support staff at any time. This also applies to family members of these individuals.

·         Fans must remain with their family or group and remain physically distanced from others at the athletic venue.

·         No gathering, including tailgating, is permissible at SU athletic venues.

·         Fans will need to sit in marked locations, which abide by social distancing protocols.

Every SU home contest for softball, baseball, lacrosse and track & field is scheduled to be web-streamed and will be simulcast on the PSAC Network – which is available as an app on Fire TV, Apple TV and Roku. Live stats are also available for all home events, excluding tennis, cross country and track & field. Visit shipraiders.com for coverage links and additional information.

If you have other COVID-19 related questions, please contact the COVID Office at covid19@ship.edu or by calling x1007.