Ben Meyer presents at two national conferences

Prof. Ben Meyer, Exercise Science

  • Meyer delivered a presentation, “A comparison of balance error scoring system measures between college athletes and non-athletes” at the North American Society for the Psychology of Sport and Physical Activity conference held from June 9-11, 2021. Results from the study indicate that the sway index values were not significantly different between athletes and non-athletes on firm or foam surfaces across single-leg, double-leg, and tandem stance configurations.
  • Meyer delivered a presentation, “Relationship between isokinetic knee torque and vertical jump measures” at the 45th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Biomechanics, held from August 10-13, 2021. Results from the study indicate that there is a weak relationship between peak isokinetic knee torque and vertical jump height, and that practitioners should use caution when trying to extrapolate the results of an isokinetic test performed at only one joint to more complex multi-joint movements.