Sahli and biology students present research at 2024 Botany Conference

In June 2024, the Botanical Society of America hosted the National Botany Conference in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Attendees learned more about a variety of research topics, including endangered species conservation, plant adaptation and environmental stressors.  Heather Sahli, faculty member in the biology department, presented her ongoing research on the Pennsylvania endangered dwarf iris, Iris verna.…

Pablo Delis presented at the Kansas Herpetological Society

Emeleigh Luckenbaugh (Biology Student and presenter), ) Dr. Walter E. Meshaka Jr. (Director of the Section of Zoology and Botany, State Museum of Pennsylvania, Harrisburg) and Dr. Pablo Delis (Professor of Biology and Graduate Major Advisor) gave an oral presentation titled “Comparative Population Size, Structure, and Survivorship of Two Eastern Milksnake, Lampropeltis triangulum, Populations in…

Heather Sahli, Biology department

Dr. Heather Sahli was a co-author on a paper that was published in the journal New Phytologist entitled, “Rapid evolution of a family-diagnostic trait: artificial selection and correlated responses in wild radish, Raphanus raphanistrum.” Read it here. Dr. Sahli and undergraduate student Leslie Taylor were awarded a Summer Undergraduate Research Experience grant in 2023 where…

Heather Sahli, Biology, Chairs Statewide Vascular Plants Technical Committee

Dr. Sahli chaired the statewide Vascular Plants Technical Committee for four years. This committee is a subcommittee of the Pennsylvania Biological Survey and plays an advisory role in helping DCNR identify plant species that have a risk of extirpation from the state of Pennsylvania. For More:–standing/vascular-plants-technical/vptc-members.html