Tulchin wins the TIPS award for 2024 at Ship

Tulchin won the TIPS (Teaching Innovations in Pedagogy and Scholarship) award for 2024 at Shippensburg University. He won the award for his strategy of identifying key concepts in his HIST 105 (Global History 1) course and requiring students to make flashcards on those concepts each class for homework. As a result, students’ grades improved –…

Brian Ulrich presented at the Middle East Studies Association Meeting

Dr. Brian Ulrich, history, presented his paper “Portrayals of the Slave Trade in the Book of the Wonders of India” at the Middle East Studies Association annual meeting in Montreal, Quebec Learn more here: https://my-mesa.org/program/sessions/view/eyJpdiI6ImJ6QVM3eENFVk9ralY3aGE5UzNYaGc9PSIsInZhbHVlIjoieHVCQ2xWOHR0Mkd2VTcyMEpMZnFHUT09IiwibWFjIjoiNWRlMWE5ZmRmZTJhNzNlY2RkNGU1YjQ0MTAxZWE4MDU4YTJjMjlmNzllNDAyYTY3ZWQwZTQ3ODlmZGIyNzBhMCIsInRhZyI6IiJ9  

Dr. Steven Burg is Presented with the Keepers of the Flame Award

Dr. Steven Burg, a professor of history at Shippensburg University, is the university’s recipient of the annual Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) Keepers of the Flame Award, organized by Pennsylvania’s State System of Higher Education (PASSHE). The award recognizes an individual from each of the State System university campuses for their contributions to creating and…