Shippensburg University named ‘Voter Friendly Campus’

Shippensburg University was recently named a ‘Voter Friendly Campus,’ a designation awarded by the Campus Vote Project and NASPA-Student Affairs Administrators in Higher Education. The mission of this designation is to enhance efforts that help students overcome barriers to participating in the political process.

During the 2016 general election Ship and its non-partisan voter registration group, Ship Votes, worked closely with student, faculty and staff organizations and the Campus Election Engagement Project. The groups organized voter education and registration events and coordinated efforts to provide student transportation to the polls on Election Day.

“Our goal in seeking this designation, was to establish a permanent commitment to student civic engagement within our campus community,” said Ship Votes advisor and associate professor of history, Dr. Catherine Clay.

Ship was one of only 83 campuses in 23 states to receive the designation. The designation is valid through December 2018.

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