Dr. Vereen is NARACES Counselor Educator of the Year

Dr. Linwood Vereen, associate professor of counseling and college student personnel, is the recipient of the 2017 North Atlantic Region Association for Counselor Education and Supervision (NARACES) Marijane Fall Counselor Educator of the Year Award.

Consideration for the award is based on the individual’s contribution in one or more counseling specialty areas and leadership in state, regional or nation organizations. The award honors the memory of Marijane Fall, a counselor educator who specialized in school counseling, clinical supervision and play therapy.

Vereen had the opportunity to meet Fall as a doctoral student serving as the Graduate Student Representative for the Association of Counselor Education and Supervision.

“This award is special to me because I am one of the many people who she touched with her kindness, support and caring spirit. To receive this award named in her honor holds both personal and professional significance as she is the type of person who I aspire to emulate as an educator,” Vereen said.

Vereen was presented the award at the NARACES board meeting at the Association for Counselor Education and Supervision conference in Chicago.

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