Shippensburg University awarded first International Administrators Fulbright

Shippensburg University has earned its first International Administrators Fulbright grant.

Mary Burnett, associate dean of students and director of International Programs, will travel to Germany to attend an International Education Administrators seminar. During the two-week seminar Burnett will have the opportunity to learn about the host country’s education system as well as establish networks with U.S. and international colleagues that will enhance her service to international students and prospective study-abroad students.

“I have had the privilege to advise German international students studying at Ship and also to prepare Ship students to study and travel within in Germany. Being selected for the International Educator Administrators Fulbright will provide me greater awareness and insight into the German system of higher education as well as the opportunity to experience German culture firsthand,” Burnett said.

Since 2010 Ship boasts five student and nine faculty Fulbright grants and is the leader in Fulbright grants in Pennsylvania’s State System of Higher Education.

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