Message from COVID Office: August 31 update

Shippensburg University closes the month of August with three positive COVID-19 confirmed cases for the month. The three students who tested positive are fulfilling their 10 days of isolation. 

The SU Case Investigation Team reviewed and notified appropriate persons within the Shippensburg University community to advise of possible contact, and next steps, including self-quarantining for 14 days. Those individuals were allowed to choose to quarantine in their residence hall room, their off-campus address or their home address.

The University will be inviting a random selection of student to participate in Asymptomatic Testing beginning this week. These tests will require 48-72 hours for results. If a student is invited, they will receive an e-mail from the SU COVID Office. A different sampling of students will be invited to participate each week.

Please visit the Health & Well-being dashboard of the Navigate Fall 2020 Website for additional information.  All members of the Shippensburg family are urged to visit the Raider Respect webpage to download the Campus Shield self-monitoring app and information on COVID-19 exposure, positive COVID-19 cases and case investigation. 

Please abide by all social distancing protocols, wear your mask up to cover your nose, and use the temperature checking and hand sanitizing stations located throughout campus.  

Wellspan follows notification procedures in accordance with the PaDOH (reporting through PA-NEDSS, an electronic database that relays information to the CDC and PA DoH). We are committed to carrying out all PaDOH recommended guidance to help us fulfill our mission of educational excellence and opportunity while promoting the health and well-being of our campus family, community, and region. 

On Mondays and Thursdays, the COVID-19 office will email updates on case counts and necessary protocols. The case count will be updated every weekday on the Health & Well-being webpage. At any time, find the latest updates on tackling COVID-19 together at

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