Updates to purchasing and contracting office

Dear Colleagues,

As the hard work continues, let me once again take just a moment to thank you for your continued and unwavering commitment to the job of getting our students through a successful semester in the midst of a pandemic. We continue to navigate through these challenging times together. I have a few updates to share with you from across campus as well as some additional information as it relates to COVID-19.

Purchasing and Contracting Office Update:

In line with the State System’s redesign initiative, SU’s Purchasing and Contracting Office will be working collaboratively with the Bloomsburg University’s Procurement Services Office to reduce costs and leverage operating scale. The two universities have signed a Letter of Understanding that outlines the work that Bloomsburg will assume on SU’s behalf.  This agreement replaces the vacated SU Assistant Director of Purchasing manager position. 

You will still be working with Wes Light, Marnie LaBonte, and Gwyn McCleary and now also members of the Bloomsburg’s Procurement team:

Please be patient as we work through this initial transition phase and expect calls from Bloomsburg as they get up to speed with SU’s purchasing needs.  This is a precursor to the State System’s redesign initiative of a Regional Procurement Shared Service model aimed at creating a best-in-class procurement service organization to promote collaboration across the universities, streamline operations to create efficiencies, and reduce costs.  Our current procurement staff will retain their employment but just become employees of the Regional Shared Service Center.

We will keep you informed as details are finalized. 

#RaiderRespect Pledge

The #RaiderRespect Pledge is required reading for all of our students this semester. It is a university-wide curricular component of student success that has been implemented to help keep campus open. The goal of the pledge is to help inform our students, many of whom desire or demand in-person instruction, about our many shared responsibilities that will help us achieve academic progress and success. To complete the pledge, students are required to watch five short, but informational training videos, then read and agree to abide by our shared values.

While employees are not required to take the pledge, you may find the videos and the pledge helpful reminders of the behaviors and expectations of all members of the campus community as we each do our part to maintain the health and well-being of our community. (#RaiderRespect Pledge)

COVID-19 Processes and Resources

What follows is a list of processes and resources to assist you if confronted with a COVID health situation. If you have any questions or concerns related to COVID-19 please do not hesitate to contact the COVID Office at COVID19@ship.edu. Just a reminder that masks are required on campus and that we have to hold each other accountable. We have pulled together and worked so hard to get our students back to campus. Together we can help get our students to the goal of completing on campus learning on November 20th.

Thank you,

Scott Barton

Senior Vice President of

Administration and Finance


Faculty/Staff COVID-19 Processes and Resources


1. What do I do if I test positive for COVID-19?

Faculty/Staff self-report the new situation to:  COVID19@ship.edu, HR@ship.edu, dean, & chair

Remember to self-isolate as follows:

•     At least 10 days since symptoms first appeared and

•     At least 24 hours after no fever without fever-reducing medicine and symptoms have improved

Faculty adjust course delivery to fully online while in isolation

•     If health complications from the positive case affect ability to teach course

[if !supportLists]•         [endif]Then deans and chairs will follow their usual major illness processes

Case investigation (previously referred to as contact tracing) interview for faculty/staff will occur through a non-Ship health agency

•     Ship COVID Office will also follow up with questions as appropriate

Remember people in shared living spaces should quarantine for 14 days and monitor health condition

•           Quarantined cohabitants are advised by CDC and many labs to quarantine for the 14-day duration, but cohabitants/family also qualify for asymptomatic testing.  If faculty or staff live in a household where they cannot avoid close contact with the person who has COVID-19, they should avoid contact with others outside the home while the person is sick, and quarantine for 14 days after the person who has COVID-19 meets the criteria to end home isolation.

2. What do I do if I have been in an office with a COVID-19 Positive Person?

Self-report the interaction or test result to COVID19@ship.edu

If interaction meets criteria for a “Contact” (within 6 feet for more than 15 minutes, even with masks on)

•     Then self-quarantine for 14 days, monitor health condition

•     Work with your supervisor to identify possible remote work schedule

A masked student socially distanced in office settings does not automatically meet CDC “Contact” criteria

Case investigation interview (previously referred to as contact tracing) will occur if specifics of space or behavior reportedly deviate from social distancing practice and places staff member in close proximity

If interaction meets criteria for a “Contact”

•     Then get tested (Etter Health Center testing is only for students)

Some testing location options include:

Sadler Health Center

100 N Hanover St. Carlisle, PA 17013



Keystone Health

111 Chambers Hill Dr, Suite 200, Chambersburg, PA 17201



Geisinger Urgent Care

1121 Forge Rd, Carlisle, PA 17013


•     Report a positive test result to the COVID Office and follow steps in Question 1 above.

3. What do I do if I receive information about a positive case?

People who share that they are COVID-19 Positive:

•     If an employee shares that tested positive, they should self-report to COVID19@ship.edu.

•     They should inform their supervisor and arrange possible remote work option.

•     Remind the individual that they should remain in isolation for 10 days, away from everyone

•     Contact the COVID Office (x1007 or COVID19@ship.edu) to report conversation details

Above information listed at https://fall2020.shipnews.org/raider-respect/

People who share that they are having COVID-like symptoms:


and https://fall2020.shipnews.org/raider-respect/

•     Advise them to get tested (possible locations listed above)

•     If the individual reports not feeling well

[if !supportLists]•         [endif]Then they should self-quarantine until they can get tested

•     Contact the COVID Office (x1007 or COVID19@ship.edu) to report conversation details

Staff who share that their cohabitant is COVID-19 Positive:

•     Ask the individual to alert the COVID Office at COVID19@ship.edu

•     Remind the individual that they should also quarantine themselves for 14 Days

•     Remind the individual to pay attention to how they are feeling and go for testing if they start to feel COVID symptomatic

•     Contact the COVID Office (x1007 or COVID19@ship.edu) to report conversation details

•     If you found out that a student tested positive and was in your class the same day or within 48 hours of their positive test, follow steps outlined in Question 2 above

4. What will the COVID Office do after they are notified about COVID reports?

Contact the original reporting person for additional details

Contact the reported-positive person for additional details

Conduct a personal interview to verify locations visited, personal interactions, and contact information for further case investigation

Review Campus Pulse proximity information for the COVID-positive person

Contact people that meet case investigation criteria for student cases coming through Etter Health Center

Other positive student cases will be tracked down and receive case investigation, details depend on what has already been done through other medical facility.

Recommend actions based on responses to personal interview

•     Recommend actions in line with CDC, PA DOH, and PASSHE guidance and University policy

HIPAA prohibits personal identification of individual health information

If student, Professor will be contacted by Dean regarding changes to course delivery method, based on situation details, guidance, and policy

Individuals who meet proximity criteria will be contacted through case investigation and action recommendations/directives will be given to each individual as appropriate

Individuals who meet case investigation criteria for “Contact” will be put into quarantine measures.

Likely at-risk students/staff who do not meet “Contact” criteria will also be contacted to be aware of possible exposure, but not placed into quarantine, based on timing of interactions beyond the 48 hours prior to a positive test


In all follow-up contacts, the COVID Office shares situation-relevant options and directions

Faculty/staff following the appropriate steps above will help the COVID Office help our students and colleagues in these various situations

Thank you for steering all COVID related reports and questions to the COVID Office for tracking and COVID related information


Common Questions Answered


What are the criteria to meet to qualify for testing?

Symptomatic people get tested

Symptomatic students can test at Etters

Faculty/staff at off-campus health care provider (see list above)

Asymptomatic testing recommendations are being updated by CDC and PA DOH often

Asymptomatic students can test at Etters

Faculty/staff should contact health care provider (see options in Question 2)

What happens to reports submitted on weekends?

COVID Office is monitoring reporting (COVID19@ship.edu) over the weekend

What happens when a student tests positive at Etter?

In accordance with CDC, people in close proximity during the 48 hours before a positive test are contacted. Additionally, possible large group/late night activities are examined for additional potential “Contact” identification

What happens when a positive person (student or professor) attends a class in person and then after class tests positive?

According to CDC, assuming everyone used proper masking and social distancing, only people within 6 feet of each other for 15 minutes or more are identified as “Contacts”

According to CDC, the classroom should be disinfected and class may continue as before

Existing disinfection procedure between classes and daily deep cleaning meet recommended guidelines

Unless there are extenuating circumstances, the class can meet as regularly scheduled

If there are extenuating circumstances, faculty will be notified by the Dean with alternate content delivery options and recommendations

Who notifies whom about what?

People self-report positive tests to COVID Office

If someone notifies faculty/staff, then follow steps in Question 2 or 3 above

The COVID Office notifies “Contacts” and deans as appropriate

The appropriate dean notifies faculty member

If a class met and did not follow CDC, PPE and Social Distancing guidance and policy, the COVID Office (x1007 or COVID19@ship.edu) should be notified immediately

Supervisors are notified if the student reported that they were at work in the last 48 hours. Otherwise, the student will self-report to supervisor.

If a student reports having been exposed and is quarantining, who notifies the other students in their classes? In their residence hall? (Assuming the student attended class after exposure)

Only “Contact” individuals get notified of possible exposure

HIPAA prohibits sharing the individual’s identity with anyone

The isolated or quarantined student moves to remote attendance

Course delivery method for the entire class does not need to change when students are in quarantine or in isolation, these individual students move to remote attendance

If faculty member is in quarantine (or isolation)

Then course delivery should move to remote delivery

How do Ship and the PA Dept of Health share health updates?

Etter Health Center (Wellspan) communicates their testing and positive rates

The COVID Office monitors PA DOH reporting and guidance, reporting goes through Etter Health Center/Wellspan as the Ship Health Professionals. They record all tests and results with PA-NEDSS

When will asymptomatic testing become available?

Asymptomatic testing began Monday 8/31 at Etter Health Center for students.

A randomized selection of students will be selected each week to be invited for testing

The selection process is as follows: A full list of F2F or blended class students (any student coming on campus) is the population. Excel randomization formula is used to produce the number of students in the sample. Invitations to test are sent with strong encouragement to participate. Depending on participation rate, the invitation pool may increase.

How many students are currently in quarantine? Isolation?

As of September 2nd, 3 positive cases mean 3 individuals are in isolation (either SU isolation facility or at home)

As of September 2nd, 9 “Contacts” are in quarantine

What’s the process in terms of RAs or RD checking on those students?

Residence Life checks in virtually with each student each evening.

Etters checks in with positive students

The COVID Office checks in with all students (quarantine and Isolation) daily


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