Gretchen Pierce blogs and presents to national and international audiences

Dr. Gretchen Pierce, history/philosophy, wrote a blog post entitled “How We Did It: H-Latam’s Research Corner Blog.” This piece was published for editors of H-Net (Humanities and Social Sciences online network), explaining how they could create a research-oriented blog on their networks like the one she publishes for her network, H-Latam.

Pierce gave a presentation to Ph.D. students at Rutgers University about her Research Corner blog. The students will be guest contributors on the blog as a way to provide them some professional development in their field while offering a service for other researchers of Latin American history and culture.

Pierce also presented “Chicas Modernas and Chinas Poblanas: International and National Influence in Mexican Beer Advertising, 1910-1940,” at a workshop called International Knowledge Transfer within the Brewing Industry of the 19th and 20th Century. Scholars from the US, Canada, Germany, Australia, Austria, the Czech Republic, and Syria participated.

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