Dear Colleagues,

As Thanksgiving launches us into the holiday season, I would like to take just a moment and offer my sincere appreciation and best wishes to everyone. Colleen and I are continually humbled at your graciousness and warm embrace of us into the Ship community. We have much to be thankful for and this year we are thankful to share our days with all of you. But above all, I want to thank you for your continued dedication to the success of our Shippensburg University students.

The Thanksgiving holiday also means we are approaching the final academic push, with papers, projects, exams, and tasks coming due. However, as you focus on the end of the semester, while also juggling all the additional responsibilities of the upcoming the holiday season, we should also remember to place a high priority on our own self-care. This includes the care of our friends, family, and our students. Start or continue healthy routines that focus on your wellbeing. Reach out to someone to share a cup of coffee or even a simple smile and express your appreciation to those who might have helped you this year. Small gestures can have the greatest impact.

May you enjoy some well-deserved rest and time this week with friends and loved ones. I look forward to everyone coming back on Monday as we finish the semester strong together.

Happy Thanksgiving,
