Christine Royce earns national science education award

Dr. Christine Royce was honored with the 2022 Outstanding Leadership in Science Education (OLISE) Award from the National Science Education Leadership Association (NSELA). Since 1979, this prestigious award recognizes and honors an NSELA member, who through professional work, has demonstrated outstanding leadership in science education at the school, county, regional and or national level.

Royce began her career as a second-grade teacher in 1990 and followed her passion for science education towards higher education. Today, she is a professor of Teacher Education and co-director of MAT in STEM Education, leading the next generation of science teachers. She served as the Nation Science Teaching Association’s president from 2018 to 2019 and NSELA Treasurer from 2011 to 2017.

Royce was nominated by Carrie Launius, science curriculum specialist for St. Louis Public Schools and NSTA member.

“There is no individual more committed to science education than Dr. Christine Royce. She will do whatever it takes to foster student (and staff) success. She leads with knowledge and a deep understanding of pedagogy. She is simultaneously kind and ‘no nonsense.’ She will be supportive and also a critical friend when asked to be in the role,” said Launius.

Royce was presented with a $1,000 prize and a plaque in recognition of her work.

“Opportunities to work with science educators is a constant learning opportunity.  Being recognized for my contributions to science education in both a leadership and collegial role means a great deal to me since the letters of support come from science educators or are not only colleagues but also friends.”