Pre-Inauguration Reception, Dinner and Lecture invitation

You are invited to the Pre-Inauguration Reception, Dinner and Lecture on Wednesday, October 26Reception begins at 5:30, followed by dinner at 6:15 in the Tuscarora Room, Reisner Hall. The lecture will begin at 8:00 p.m. at the Luhrs Performing Arts Center.

The cost to attend the dinner is $80 per person. President Patterson has selected the Outstanding Student Scholarship Fund as his designated fund for the net proceeds of this event.

The featured speaker is Homer Hickam – a former NASA Engineer, award-winning author of 20 plus books, and veteran,.  His book NYT best-seller, Rocket Boys,  was made into a movie called October Sky – (check out the trailer here 

If you would like to attend the lecture- that is free. The Lienemann Endowed Fund at the SU Foundation will be covering the cost of the lecture.

Mr. Hickam will be holding a book signing immediately after his lecture – you can bring your own book, or we will have a limited supply of Rocket Boys for sale that evening.