Goates, Johnson, Moll, Morin, Sato, Shupp and Weaver pilot enhanced advising

Drs. Nathan Goates, Karen Johnson, Kirk Moll, Suzanne Morin, Toru Sato, Matthew Shupp, and David Weaver from the departments of Management; Marketing; Entrepreneurship; Academic Engagement and Exploratory Studies; Library; Psychology; Counselor Education; and History respectively, provided enhanced advising in the classroom to students in their UNIV 101- First Year Seminar as participants in a pilot initiative to continue to develop the first-year experience and further improve retention and student performance. As a result of their efforts to advise, support and build relationships with their first-year students, success outcomes in their sections outpaced the UNIV 101 average, resulting in a decrease in students on academic probation, a decrease in academic dismissal, an increase in term GPA and an increase in credits completed.

The results of this pilot initiative were presented at the 2023 PASSHE Conference on Teaching and Learning Reimagining the First-Year Experience.pptx