What would you have to believe to dress up as a shaman, paint your face, and storm the U.S. Capitol? What could possibly lead somebody, on national television, to be confused by the simple question, what is a woman?

Such behaviors would have been unimaginable only a few years ago. And yet here we are, witnessing millions of people across the political spectrum displaying these clear indications of an epistemically poisoned mind. Both red America and blue America are retreating into their information bubbles, seceding from a common reality. Both consume far too much misinformation and disinformation, developing worldviews that can sometimes be unintelligible to others.

The Poisoning of the American Mind explores these disturbing developments and what they mean for our society and implores us all to recover a shared sense of what is true.

From Ship Sociology’s Lawrence Eppard and published by George Mason University Press, Poisoning is available for pre-order on Amazon now! Order now and receive your copy on Wednesday, July 31st!

While you’re waiting for delivery, watch the documentary of the same name!