Message from SUPD: Move-In Day Parking Lot Closures

Campus Community , New Student Move-In will take place on Thursday, August 24 from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. To ensure adequate parking for these students and their families, the following lots will be used to assist with this process: F/S-15 (rear of Reisner) F/S-7 (read of Huber) R-1 (rear of Kriner) F/S/C-4 (Robb Sports Complex) C-3…

Raider Neighbor Safety Bulletin

Sent on behalf of the Raider Neighbor program at Shippensburg University. Safety is our number one priority for all Shippensburg University students living on and off campus. Please be aware that recently, on two separate occasions, individuals walking off campus late at night reported being assaulted. On each occurrence, the motive was robbery. It is…

A message from SUPD: Annual Security Report

To All Members of the Shippensburg University Community, This email is an annual notification to the Shippensburg University Community regarding safety and security on campus. Your attention to these issues will assist the institution in remaining in compliance with the federal law (specifically The Student Right to Know and Campus Security Act of 1990 or Clery Act),…

SUPD Welcome Back Picnic announced

Students are invited to attend the annual SUPD Welcome Back Picnic on Tuesday, September 7 from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. on Gilbert/Horton Hall lawn. Get to know SUPD’s officers while enjoying free hamburgers, hotdogs and snacks. Join the fun and you be entered for a chance to win a bicycle. Rain location is the hockey…

Message from SUPD: Move-In traffic and parking

Faculty, Staff & Students, New Student Move-In will take place tomorrow Thursday, August 19 from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.  To ensure adequate parking for these new incoming students and their families, the following lots will be used to assist with this process:  F/S-15 (rear of Reisner), F/S-7 (read of Huber), R-1 (rear of Kriner),…

A message from SUPD: Parking decals for fall 2021

Faculty and Staff, Around this time each year we start sending out Parking reminders for the upcoming academic year.  This year is a little different.  Last year we made a move from decals to hangtags as part of our parking permit process.  Since we have gone to this new permit system, you will not be required to…

A message from SUPD: July 14-16 road closure

Faculty and Staff, Due to repair work, a section of Adams Drive will be closed from July 14 through 16.  The portion of Adams Drive that will be closed will be from Burd Run to the C-7 Parking Lot. Please use Cumberland Drive for an alternative route for traffic during this timeframe.  We appreciate your…

Message from SUPD: June 8 parking lot closure

Faculty and Staff, The University is hosting the Shippensburg Area High School Commencement tomorrow, June 8th at the Seth Grove Stadium.  In preparation of this event, the F/S-11 lot behind the Heiges Field House (HFH) and the F/S-13 lot beside the Performing Arts Center (PAC) will be closed starting at 6:00am on June 8th until the morning…