Awards and accolades, December 2019 faculty and staff kudos

  • Pablo Delis, Biology along with Safiya Abubakar (Biology Graduate Student) gave an oral presentation titled “The Eastern Mud Turtle, Kinosternon subrubrum, on Wallops Island, Virginia: A Population in Peril?” at the 46th Annual Regional Meeting of the Kansas Herpetological Society, in Fort Hays University, Kansas, on November 3-5.
  • Scott Drzyzga and Claire Jantz, Geography & Earth Science- The Center for Land Use & Sustainability received the Conodoguinet Creek Watershed Association’s “2019 Watershed Partner of the Year Award.”  Drzyzga and Jantz, with staff members David Oliver and Antonia Price, and SHIP/GEO alum Courtney Malott worked with the CCWA to develop the, “Conodoguinet Creek – A Long Way with Many Bends.”  The final product tells the story of the Conodoguinet Creek and the people that work to protect it via interactive maps, videos, drone photography, and educational narrative. Many SHIP alumni are featured. Visit online at:
  • Han Liu, Teacher Education- Liu recently published a book, “Evaluation and Integration of Digital Media in the Early Childhood Classroom”, 2nd edition,in November.
  • Toru Sato, Psychology- Sato will be running a Free Mindfulness Meditation course titled, “Holi-day Mindfulness Practice” at the Bosler Memorial (Public) Library in Carlisle, PA. The days/times are Dec. 26, 27, 30, 31 and January 2 – 10:30am-12:00noon (5 classes).  This course is free but participants must register due to limited space.  To register for the course, contact the Library’s Information Services Department at 717-243-4642 ext. 2237.
  • Wendy Becker, Management – On November 8, Becker published the article, “Managing Business Ethics” in the journal Personnel Psychology, 2019, vol 72, 4, pp 625-634.
  • Dhiman Chattopadhyay, Communication/Journalism- Chattopadhyay recently attended the 105thAnnual Convention of the National Communication Association (NCA) in Baltimore, MD where he presented three academic research papers. Two of his papers – Communicating for (Whose) Survival? How South Asian News Organizations Framed the 2019 Indo-Pak Conflict on Twitter, and Micro-aggression and Authority Crisis: Surviving Language Challenges as International Instructors­were presented in the International & Intercultural Communication Division. He also chaired two refereed paper sessions sponsored by the Asia/Pacific American Caucus, where scholars from six different countries/cultures presented their papers. In addition he was a panelist discussing the book “Asian Women Leadership: A Cross National & Cross-Sector Comparison” (Routledge), which was launched during NCA. He has a co-authored chapter in the book.
  • Sriya Chattopadhyay, Communication/Journalism – Chattopadhyay presented a paper at the 105thAnnual Convention of NCA and was part of a book launch where she has a co-authored chapter. The paper was part of a panel titled From Survival to Success: How Communication Helps Asian Women Faculty Survive and Thrive at American Colleges and Universities.She also has a co-authored chapter in the book “Asian Women Leadership: A Cross National & Cross-Sector Comparison” (Routledge), which was launched during NCA.
  • Jayleen Galarza and Dara Bourassa, Social Work & Gerontology- Galarza and Bourassa presented at the Council on Social Work Education’s annual program meeting in Denver, CO on October 25. The title of their paper session was Fostering Inclusive Partnerships within TransAging Research.
  • Jen Clements, Social Work & Gerontology- Clements presented at the Council on Social Work Education’s Annual Conference in Denver, CO this past October 2019.  She co-presented on an invited panel “Educating Future Group Workers Within the Social Work Curriculum”.
  • Liz Fisher, Jayleen Galarza, and Jen Clements, Social Work & Gerontology- Fisher, Galarza, and Clements presented a poster at the Annual Program Meeting of the Council on Social Work Education in Denver, CO on October 25. The title of their poster was, “Assessing the Implicit Curriculum under the 2015 EPAS: Survey Development and Results”.
  • Dr. Justin Sentz received the Design and Development Division Outstanding Journal Article Award at the 2019 Association for Educational Communications and Technology (AECT) International Convention in Nevada.  This award was for an article in which he was lead author titled “How Do Instructional Designers Manage Learners’ Cognitive Load? An Examination of Awareness and Application of Strategies”.  Dr. Sentz also co-presented at a session titled “An Exploration of Contextual Factors Influencing Design Cycles and Cognitive Load” and served as the facilitator for a discussion group on “How to Teach User Design: Front-End Analysis.”

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