Military wife Megan Easley ’09 becomes warrior in wounded husband’s fight to walk

Ship alumna, Megan Easley ’09 and Army Sgt. Robert Easley Jr, a Cumberland County native and bilateral amputee, have been featured in a series on Penn Live. Articles and videos detail life after war in Afganistan, and Rob’s journey to wellness.

Author John Luciew summarizes, “An Explosive Ordnance Disposal specialist, Rob lost both of his legs, including an amputation extremely high on his left thigh, in an IED explosion on Oct. 15, 2012, in Kandahar, Afghanistan. While the surgical, orthopedic and rehabilitative innovations brought to bear in his case are impressive, the real story is the grit, determination and, yes, humor, that this badly wounded warrior and his warrior-wife both bring to the fight of their lives throughout Rob’s extraordinarily long and complicated recovery.”

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