New parking hang tags to replace decals

Parking decals are a thing of the past at Ship. This semester, faculty and staff decals will be replaced with parking hang tags. The new tags will be available starting Monday, August 3 at the cost of $1.00.

To register you vehicle, please visit the web page starting August 3 starting at  9:00 a.m. and follow the prompts. You will only be able to register your “primary vehicle”. Only one hang tag will be issued per employee.  You may pick up your hang tag at the University Police Department at any time.  It is not necessary to print a receipt to obtain your hang tag.

The reduction for AFSCME will be available until August 14.

Reminder; every vehicle operated on the university campus must display a current parking hang tag. The new hang tag must be displayed clearly upon your rearview mirror no later than August 31, 2020.