Moriah Hathaway ’19 named executive director of The Pennsylvania Commission for Women

Ship alumna, Moriah Hathaway ’19, was named the executive director of The Pennsylvania Commission for Women. Hathaway explained,  “As executive director of The Pennsylvania Commission for Women, I will collaborate with commissioners and stakeholders from across the Commonwealth to advocate for the needs of women and girls as well as amplify their successes. One of my goals for the commission is to focus on intersectionality and how it affects all women. I will do this by working with the Governor’s other affinity commissions.” Hathaway reports to the Secretary of Intergovernmental Affairs.

Hathaway is a 2019 graduate of the Political Science Department and currently serves on the Alumni Association Board of Directors. Previously, she served as special assistant to the Governor’s Office of Intergovernmental Affairs.

Hathaway reminisced on her experiences at Ship and how each step prepared her for success.  “I started my journey with the Governor’s Office as an undergraduate [Ship] intern. I gained this internship after attending an LGBT Out for Work event on campus and networking with the panelists. Shippensburg University gave me the tools I needed to gain this real-world experience. I wouldn’t be where I am today without the help of the professors within the Political Science and English departments.”

The Pennsylvania Commission for Women is responsible for advising the Governor on policies and legislation that impact women; supporting economic and civic opportunities for women; encouraging mentoring programs for girls and young women; identifying programs and opportunities for the benefit and advancement of women; and serving as a resource center for Pennsylvania women. The Commission also acts as an advocate for policies and legislation it feels serves the best interest of women and girls in Pennsylvania. Read more about The Pennsylvania Commission for Women.

Congrats to Moriah from the Ship family!

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