Campus program awarded $10,000 grant to mobilize student voters

Ship Votes, an organization at Shippensburg University, was awarded a $10,000 grant by the Students Learn Students Vote coalition, a nonpartisan organization promoting civic learning and engagement on campuses. The grant will fund voter registration events and voter education outreach for students at Shippensburg. This includes details on changes to voting laws.

In light of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, Ship Votes created an in-person, remote plan that adheres to social distancing requirements. The plan encourages students to vote and aims to mobilize all members of the university community.

“This year, it is important for students to know about the convenient and safe ways they can now register online to vote or change their voter registration information,” said Dr. Catherine Clay, co-leader of Ship Votes.

Clay, associate professor of history, spearheads Ship Votes with Dr. David Monaghan, assistant professor of sociology, and Eyoel Delessa, instructor at Ezra Lehman Library. The organization collaborates with student, faculty and staff to plan voter education and registration events and coordinate student transportation to polls on Election Day.

Ship is nationally recognized as a Voter Friendly Campus by nonpartisan organizations Campus Vote Project and NASPA- Student Affairs Administrators in Higher Education for its efforts in encouraging student to participate in the political process.