Amorous Relationship Message: A message from Senior Vice President of Administration and Finance

Dear Colleagues,

The Board of Governors for Pennsylvania’s State System of Higher Education convened last week in a special meeting to consider a number of important items, including the new Policy 2020-02: Amorous Relationships, which requires your attention.

Please familiarize yourself with the policy and how it may impact your status as a university employee, official, or volunteer. While you are responsible for following all aspects of the policy and all applicable university policies, here are a few of the main concepts of the Amorous Relationships Policy: 

  • All employees, volunteers, and officials are prohibited from entering into amorous relationships with any student where the employee, volunteer or official has supervisory, instructional, or professional responsibilities concerning the student (an amorous relationship with a student who is a minor remains prohibited without exception).  
  • All employees, volunteers, and officials are prohibited from entering into amorous relationships with another employee, volunteer, or official where one party has supervisory, instructional, or professional responsibilities concerning the other party.  
  • Pre-existing amorous relationships where one party has supervisory, instructional, or professional responsibilities concerning the other party are not prohibited under this policy, provided the individual with supervisory, instructional, or professional responsibilities discloses the relationship to the chief human resources officer within 30 days of the effective date of the policy (i.e., by September 12, 2020), and an acceptable conflict management plan can be implemented.  

This policy is intended to foster productive educational environments and professional workplaces that are built on trust, mutual respect, and the integrity of all members of the university community.

Should you have questions or concerns, please contact Lisa Pettit ( in the human resources office.

Thank you for your attention to this important matter.


Scott Barton

Senior Vice President of Administration and Finance

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