Return to campus update: A message from VP of Administration and Finance

Dear Colleagues,

Happy New Year and I hope that 2021 finds you and yours well. As we embark on a new year, I want to take a moment to thank you for your consistent hard work on behalf of our students. Your efforts ensure that our university continues to move forward during this extremely challenging time.

We are monitoring and assessing the conditions of the COVID-19 pandemic and the impacts on our community and region.  After careful consideration, we will start the spring semester remotely on February 4. In-person instruction will commence on February 22. Additionally, we are adjusting the return to work process to begin on February 8. Your patience, understanding, and collaborative spirit is greatly appreciated as we prepare for employees and students to return to campus.

Please take the time to read through the Return to Campus Guidance for all Shippensburg University employees and refamiliarize yourself with the various expectations associated with returning to campus. Please note that in order to comply with the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Governor’s Order, all employees working on campus (regardless of frequency) are required to wear a face mask.

Directors and deans should prepare to return to campus on Monday February 8. Just like in times past, on February 8, the facilities team will work in conjunction with the COVID Response Office and department heads to ensure that the office space meets the department’s needs before additional team members are brought back to campus. Individual department leaders will contact their department members with the date for returning to campus. Employees who supervise student workers should contact the students prior to February 4 to arrange remote work, if possible, and to establish a plan for on-campus work when appropriate.

I am grateful for your continued commitment and dedication to our Ship community. Though the challenges keep coming, your flexibility and willingness to work together has made the difference in our success.


Dr. Scott W.H. Barton
Senior Vice President of
Administration and Finance

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