Message from SU COVID Office: October 19 update

As of today, October 19, 2020, Shippensburg University has had 55 reported positive COVID-19 cases. The University has 24 active cases currently. 

POSITIVE CASE UPDATE: The University has seen an influx of new positive cases in the last two weeks. Of the 24 active cases among the Shippensburg University community, 16 cases can be attributed to a single event. This event had individuals who were not adhering to Social Distancing expectations and were predominantly not wearing masks. Please remember that these mitigation initiatives help to reduce the risk of exposure and aid in supporting the health and well-being of our community. These cases have also required more than 50 other students to enter into a 14 day quarantine period.

RISKY BEHAVIOR: Attending gatherings where individuals are not wearing face masks or practicing social distancing is risky behavior. Please reconsider attending those types of functions where the risk of exposure is heightened. If you have been in attendance, we strongly urge you to contact the Etter Student Wellness Center to set up an appointment to get tested. If you witness risky behavior, please notify the Student Conduct Office.

ASYMPTOMATIC TESTING: The University continues to invite a random selection of students to participate in Asymptomatic Testing every week. These tests will require 48-72 hours for results. If a student is invited, they will receive an e-mail from the SU COVID Office. A different sampling of students will be invited to participate each week.  It is highly recommended and encouraged that students take advantage of this voluntary testing initiative.

Asymptomatic testing is available for ALL students free of charge and is highly recommended and encouraged. If a student is interested, please contact the Etter Student Wellness Center to make an appointment. X1458. At this time, ASYMPTOMATIC TEST WILL BE BY APPOINTMENT ONLY.

SYMPTOMATIC TESTING: Etter/WellSpan continues to test for symptomatic students. WellSpan works with each student who arrives and is exhibiting symptoms associated with COVID-19 infection. Some students may not qualify for the symptomatic tests in accordance with medical protocol and their presenting symptoms/illness, but can request an asymptomatic test at that time. Symptomatic tests are administered to students who present symptoms in line with COVID-19 infection. At this time, SYMPTOMATIC TEST WILL BE BY APPOINTMENT ONLY.

Since August 20, 2020 we are up to 982 total tests. 302 symptomatic and 680 asymptomatic. We have had 23 symptomatic positives and 25 asymptomatic positives from Etter Student Wellness Center with 934 negative tests. The seven other positive cases were self-reported after testing off-campus. All testing, Asymptomatic and Symptomatic on our campus is purely voluntary but highly recommended and encouraged, in accordance with State System (PASSHE) directives. 


Etter Wellness Center began offering FLU SHOTS to students starting Monday, September 14th. Flu shots are done in conjunction with a student’s health insurance. FLU SHOTS will be by APPOINTMENT ONLY.

FLU SHOT CLINICS: Etter Student Wellness Center will continue conducting FLU SHOT Clinics for students in the month of October. The Clinics will be on:            

10/22/2020 1p-3p CUB 125 “Airport Lounge”

10/27/2020 6p-9p Resident Hall-Harley

WellSpan follows notification procedures in accordance with the PaDOH (reporting through PA-NEDSS, an electronic database that relays information to the CDC and PA DoH). We are committed to carrying out all PaDOH recommended guidance to help us fulfill our mission of educational excellence and opportunity while promoting the health and well-being of our campus family, community, and region.   

Please visit the Health & Well-being dashboard of the Navigate Fall 2020 Website for additional information.  All members of the Shippensburg family are urged to visit the Raider Respect webpage to download the Campus Shield self-monitoring app and  to find information on COVID-19 exposure, positive COVID-19 cases and case investigation. 

On Mondays and Thursdays, the COVID-19 office will email updates on case counts and necessary protocols. The case count will be updated every weekday on the Health & Well-being webpage. At any time, find the latest updates on tackling COVID-19 together at

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