A message from the Provost: End of semester message

Faculty and Staff:

As we bring the fall 2020 semester to a close and approach the holiday season, I want to pause and take this opportunity to thank you for your exemplary work and commitment to Shippensburg University, on behalf of the Office of Academic Affairs. To say this past semester was a difficult one is an understatement, but nevertheless is a very accurate summation. In fact, this semester has been one of the most trying I can remember in my career, with so many dramatic ups and downs. Yet throughout the semester, we kept our focus on ensuring a well-structured and safe learning environment for our students and each other. I want to congratulate you on this herculean effort.

While the immediate future remains unsettling particularly with regard to COVID-19, I take stock in the fact that I am surrounded by faculty and staff who are committed to Shippensburg University and her students. A team that wants the very best for our students and understands that to achieve this end, we must work together. Our conversations during the fall were centered around a respect for different viewpoints and the notion that our decisions would have a positive impact on students. I am very thankful and appreciative for this collegial environment.

As you take a much deserved break from this unforgettable semester, please reflect on the great work you have achieved over the course of the year and use the lessons learned to help prepare for the spring 2021 semester. Take care of yourselves, your families and friends over the holiday season, and please be safe.

Happy holidays.

Tom Ormond

Provost & Vice President for Academic Affairs