Weekly Academic Affairs updates – February 8

Summary of items in this week’s bullets:

  1. Spring 2021 Alternative Grading Scale Due to COVID 19
  2. Helping students get textbooks
  3. Need remote proctoring?
  4. Online Learning Conference Continues Through Friday Feb. 12th
  5. OAR Accommodation Notification Forms
  6. Career, Mentoring, and Professional Development Center information
  7. Upcoming CETL Faculty Friday Sessions
  8. Advising Spring Workshop Schedule – Save the Dates!
  9. Getting enrolled in D2L shell on Advising
  10. SSC Navigate Training
  11. Ship’s official networking and mentoring platform:  Ship Connects
  12. Student Training for Online Learning Updates

Expansion of details regarding the summary points:

  1. Spring 2021 Alternative Grading Scale Due to COVID 19: At the end of the Spring 2021 semester after faculty have posted letter grades in Banner, qualifying undergraduate students will be given the opportunity to view their final calculated letter grades assigned by instructors and choose between the calculated grade or the Pass/Pass*/Fail option. Students selecting the Pass/Pass*/Fail option (for one or many courses) will receive a Pass in courses in which their earned grade is C or better and Pass* in courses in which their earned grade is D. All earned F grades will remain unchanged.  However, students must satisfy any specific course requirements that usually require a C or better. If they choose the Pass/Pass*/Fail option for a course that requires a C, they may not use their Pass* grade to fulfill the program requirement or prerequisites for other courses, and they may need to repeat the course. The Pass (PASS) and Pass* (PASS*) grades will not impact their GPA, but the Fail “F” will. Students who are currently on probation, or have a cumulative GPA below 2.0, may have their financial aid impacted by choosing the Pass/Pass*/Fail option and are encouraged to contact the Financial Aid Office before submitting choices. In addition, students will be strongly encouraged to speak with their advisors before making final decisions.  Students in any major that leads to teacher certification will not be permitted to choose the alternative grading scale.
  2. Helping students get textbooks: If any student is still in need of textbooks or supplies for class, please have fill out the form on the retention office website:  https://www.ship.edu/life/student-retention/textbook-request/
  3. Need remote proctoring? PCDE continues to assist faculty with Examity and other remote proctoring options. Faculty members who plan to use some type of online proctoring this semester should e-mail pcde@ship.edu as soon as possible, if they have not done so already. This will ensure proper preparation and coordination time for students and faculty alike.
  4. Ongoing Online Learning Conference Reminder:  The 2021 Northeastern State University Online Learning Conference continues via Zoom through February 12 and is free of charge to faculty through an institution-wide registration. You can view the schedule of sessions and join sessions here. Sessions will occur synchronously, but recordings will also be available to watch online as well. Contact Mark Chimel at mschimel@ship.edu with any questions
  5. OAR Accommodation Notification Forms: Faculty should begin receiving Accommodation Notification Forms from OAR students via email. Please confirm with the student that you’ve received their letter. If there are any questions about accommodations, please email Shelbie D’Annibale, OAR Director, at swdannibale@ship.edu or call the office at 717-477-1364.
  6. Career, Mentoring, and Professional Development Center:
    1. The Virtual Spring Job & Internship Fair will be held April 6th from 2 pm to 5 pm.
    2. The full schedule of events card is found at:  https://www.ship.edu/life/career/upcoming_events/.
    3. Faculty that wish to request a workshop from our office can do so through this link:  https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdTLYnSqeyusarMJVTlImv9n72S5D-nojvuOBmmhVqEnJ3B1w/viewform
  7.  CETL Faculty Friday Sessions:
    1. February 12 (Week 3):  Encouraging Students to Use Tools to Enhance their Success: Faculty will review help desk data to discuss strategies for improving student access and utilization of tech tools.
    2. February 19 (Week 40:  Assessing Student Success with Formal and Informal Measures Faculty will review past class strategies and discuss communicating explicit course level success.
  1. Spring’s Advising Workshop Schedule: The advising workshops will be available at Dr. Michael Levinstein’s Zoom link:  https://ship.zoom.us/my/dr.lev
    1. Nuts and Bolts of Advising for Course Registration: Friday Feb 12 at 10 a.m. and Monday Feb 22 at 12 p.m.
    2. Join one of these sessions to learn more about the student course scheduling process, deadlines, and strategies along with an update on General Education courses.
    3. Developing Deeper Advising Relationships: Friday Mar 12 at 10 a.m. and Monday Mar 29 at 12 p.m.
    4. Join one of these sessions to discuss how to develop more meaningful relationships with your advisees from orientation to graduation through an understanding of relational advising, building trust and improving communication.
    5. Who Defines Student Success: Friday April 9 at 10 a.m.
    6. What is student success? Well, that depends on who is asking. Learn how different stakeholders have different understandings of student success and how academic advisors can foster student success in its many forms.
    7. Academic Advising Approaches: Advising as Academic Coaching: Monday April 26 at 12 p.m.
    8. What is the Academic Coaching approach to academic advising and how does it help students set goals, make decisions, and succeed both inside and outside the classroom? Join one of these sessions to learn more about this approach and how to integrate it into your advising practices.
  2. Advising D2L Shell: Levinstein is developing a D2L shell for Advising.  If you are interested in joining, send him an email with your SUID.  Resources, such as the recordings from the Advising Symposium held in January, will be archived there.
  3. SSC Navigate Training: The Office for Student Retention will be offering training session for SSC Navigate throughout the semester per the request of faculty members or departments. If you or your department is interested in getting further training on SSC Navigate please contact Andrew Hess (SSC Navigate GA) at ah3162@ship.edu or the Office for Student Retention at Retention@ship.edu.
  1. Ship Connects: Ship Connects, the university’s official networking and mentoring platform, makes it easy for faculty to connect with alumni and enhance classroom learning experiences.

In Ship Connects you can:

  • Connect students with alumni, invite an alum to attend your class or club as a guest speaker,
  • Ask students to pose a question to alumni in their field as part of your curriculum,
  • Engage with alumni and employers with valuable industry insight, and
  • Post jobs and reference students to current job postings.

Let’s all connect! https://shipconnects.ship.edu/

  1. PCDE and CMPDC partnered with many units across campus to put together 13 sessions with 15 total presenters for the January Jumpstart Student Success Sessions. 53 students and 42 parents attended across the sessions. The Online Student Readiness course in D2L created by PCDE and IDT has been completed by over 800 students since December. January Jumpstart sessions were recorded and are available at https://www.ship.edu/about/offices/technology/student/resources/#Jumpstart. All students are enrolled in the Online Student Readiness course and can complete it in D2L.


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